The Scholarly Writing Program (SWP) supports faculty research and writing across disciplines and at all stages of the writing process. We approach writing broadly, as encompassing any of the work faculty across ranks undertake on their way to producing grant proposals, conference presentations, articles, books, creative work, public-facing writing, and more. We aim to promote and share strong writing practices and build a community of writers on campus.
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Frequently Asked Questions
We run programs year-round. Faculty Writing Groups take place during Fall and Spring semester and run 14 weeks, beginning the second week classes are in session. We also run accountability groups in the summer from late May to July. Peer Review Groups run September-November and February-April and by request in the summer. We host full-day retreats on campus in August, November, and April as well as an off-campus retreat in May the week after graduation. We offer week-long intensives (4 hours of writing a day) in the summer. Promotion support is available year-round with drafting workshops in December and May. One-on-one consultations are available year-round.
We offer over 25 Faculty Writing Groups each semester Mondays-Thursdays with start times typically between 8:30 a.m. and 2 p.m. Peer Review Group meeting times vary from semester to semester with 3-5 available days/times. Day-long retreats are on Fridays (8:30-4:30 p.m.) during the semester; in August, 3-4 different days are offered. Week-long intensives are available May-July. Consultations are available at pre-scheduled times Monday-Friday and by request.
Faculty Writing Groups are held both online and in a variety of spaces around campus, including Emeriti House, GISB, the Kelley School, Lindley Hall, Maxwell Hall, the SSRC, and Wells Library. Occasionally, other spaces may be used. Peer Review Groups typically meet in conference rooms in Wells Library in the SSRC. Retreats rotate between Franklin Hall and the Henke Hall of Champions. Summer programming takes place in Emeriti House and the SSRC. Consultations can be arranged anywhere that is most convenient for you!
Scholarly Writing Program offerings are open to all full-time academic appointments on the IU Bloomington Campus. We welcome faculty writers across ranks and schools. New faculty are especially encouraged to join programs early and often, but we actively seek to build inclusive writing communities that also draw on the experience and insights of experienced scholars in all fields.
Having this community has been a wonderful source of support, accountability, and ongoing motivation. Hearing from others about their experiences with writing, and academia more broadly, is invaluable.
Quote from a faculty member who attended Faculty Writing Groups