Feb 14
Department Chairs Workshop: P&T Processes
IMU Tree Suites
Faculty in non-tenure-track (NTT) roles are vital to the campus’s research, teaching, and service missions.
NTT faculty primarily devote their expertise to one or two of those missions:
We provide guidance and oversight for appointment, reappointment, and promotion processes, including various workshops devoted to the specific needs of NTT faculty.
We also are eager to meet individually with NTT faculty to ensure your career experiences are positive and expectations are clear, as well as to address your unique questions or needs.
The procedures for consideration for promotion are described in the Guidelines document for research and instructional ranks. Please click below to access this comprehensive document.
Reappointment and promotion reviews are guided by campus, school, and (where applicable) department policies and guidelines. Policies affecting initial appointments and timelines for reappointment and promotion (if applicable) vary with each NTT faculty classification.
Campus and/or university policies include:
See a summary of policies for each category of non-tenure-track faculty.
7 years (eligible for early promotion and long-term contract)
“Up or out” review for senior lecturer no later than 6th year
Initial: 3 years, then renewable annually through 7th year or early long-term contract decision
Long-term contract: 3 or 5 year rolling or renewable term
Annual review by unit; campus review of promotions to Senior Lecturer or Teaching Professor; VPFAA review of all non-reappointments.
7 years (eligible for early promotion and long-term contract)
“Up or out” review for assistant-to-associate no later than 6th year (long-term contract consideration must accompany promotion decision)
Initial: 3 years, then renewable annually through 7th year or early long-term contract decision (regardless of incoming rank)
Long-term contract: 3 or 5 year rolling or renewable term
Annual review by unit; campus review of promotions to associate/full; VPFAA review of all nonreappointments
No fixed schedule for promotion to associate/full (based on performance and discussion with chair/director); no “up or out” decision
One-year contract (unless funding permits longer term)
Annual review by unit; initial appointment as assistant reviewed by VPFAA; campus review of promotion to associate/senior)
Typically a one-year contract
Annual review by PI/supervisor
7 years (eligible for early long-term contract)
Initial: 3 years, then renewable annually through 7th year or early long-term contract decision)
Long-term contract: 3 or 5 year rolling or renewable term
Annual review by unit; VPFAA review of nonappointments
7 years
Initial: 3 years, then renewable annually through 7th year
Long-term contract: 3 or 5 year rolling or renewable term
Campus review during recruitment; approval for offer from provost or designate; major review before end of 7-year probationary period; VPFAA review of nonreappointments
School and department policies for non-tenure-track faculty—including reappointment and promotion review criteria and processes—are maintained on their individual websites.
Find links to school and department policiesLecturers, research scientists/scholars, and clinical faculty who are candidates for promotion use the eDossier system to collect and route their materials and evidence for promotion consideration.
Candidates for promotion typically get access to eDossier late in the spring semester of the calendar year in which their dossier must be submitted for review.
In addition to department/center and school review, all research, lecturer, and clinical rank promotions are reviewed at the campus level by the Promotion Advisory Committee and VPFAA.
Feb 14
Department Chairs Workshop: P&T Processes
IMU Tree Suites
Apr 04
May 05
Overview of Promotion & Tenure: Guidelines, Process, and Timeline
IMU Tree Suites
May 08
Alternative accessible formats of the PDF documents on this page can be obtained by contacting VPFAA at vpfaa@indiana.edu.