Sabbatical Leave Application Form

Sabbatical Leave Application Process

If you’re a faculty member eligible for a sabbatical, please fill out and submit the Sabbatical Leave Form during the academic year before your planned leave.

The form will undergo several reviews: your department, the school or college dean, the campus Committee on Sabbatical Leaves of Absence, the vice provost for faculty and academic affairs, the provost, and the Board of Trustees.

Sabbatical Leave Application Form

Form Instructions and Submission

Once you submit the online application, you will receive a confirmation email with a summary of your application content. If you have any questions, please contact

Before starting your online application:

  • It’s recommended that you review the application questions in the PDF preview document first, draft your responses in a separate document, and copy and paste them into the online application form.

Form Preview for Faculty Member

  • Have your IU credentials and login information ready
  • Make sure you check with APPS ( regarding sabbatical eligibility before starting the application. 
  • Verify the contact information for your department/unit (if applicable) and dean’s office before starting the application.
    • If you have more than one tenure home, use the contact information of your primary unit.
    • If you do not have a department/unit, you will be instructed to enter as the unit-level email contact in the online application. OVPFAA will then advance the application to your dean.