
Creating an environment where you can flourish

The Office of the Vice Provost for Faculty and Academic Affairs (VPFAA) helps you achieve professional excellence, focusing on the academic career of each faculty member on the Bloomington campus.

We provide resources for all ranks of faculty—ranging from lecturers to distinguished professors—in all stages of your career. We can help you navigate the challenges and special opportunities of academic life—whether you are new to IU, facing tenure or promotion, seeking new direction mid-career, or imagining retirement after decades of service.

Helping you with a wide range of needs

Our work is simultaneously on the big stage and intimately personal. We celebrate noteworthy academic achievements with gala ceremonies and visible recognition, but also meet privately with faculty who have questions about a medical leave or grievances against a colleague or administrator.

We host workshops to get faculty ready for promotion and tenure, or to nurture leadership skills among academic administrators. But we also frequently meet one-on-one with faculty who are preparing dossiers for a reappointment review.