Honoring faculty teaching and research accomplishments
The Tracy M. Sonneborn Award honors faculty for accomplishments in the areas of teaching and research. The award, named for the late eminent scientist Professor Tracy M. Sonneborn, is given to an exemplary researcher who is also well known as an exemplary teacher.
The winner of the Tracy M. Sonneborn Award will receive a $3,500 cash prize. In addition to this prize, research funds in the amount of $1,000 will be awarded for the purpose of supporting the research or creative activity of one (or more) of the students of the Tracy M. Sonneborn Award winner.
The Tracy M. Sonneborn Award winner will be expected to give a university-wide lecture during the fall semester following the selection. Provost Professors and the Sonneborn Award winner will have their names engraved on plaques in the Indiana Memorial Union. Nominees who do not receive these awards in the current year can be reconsidered the next year, and nominators are encouraged to update the dossiers for reconsideration.
Read about the current Tracy M. Sonneborn Award recipient