Venkat Distinguished Service Award

M.A. Venkataramanan “Venkat" Distinguished Service Award

Awarding significant impact on campus

The M.A. “Venkat” Venkataramanan Distinguished Service Award honors a faculty member or librarian whose service has had a long-term, significant impact on the Bloomington campus.

 The winner of the Venkat Distinguished Service Award will receive a one-time cash award of $5,000 and will be honored at a reception.

Read more about M.A. “Venkat” Venkataramanan and the new award named in his honor


Any faculty member or librarian who has held a significant service role at any level, whether within an individual department, school or college, in a campus unit, or at the campus level. University-level candidates will also be considered as long as their primary office is on the Bloomington campus.

The award should be given to a person whose exceptional contributions to the IU Bloomington community have resulted in a significant impact on the campus’s academic mission and/or administrative operations. Longevity in office will be considered but is not a limiting factor for eligibility.

Nomination process

The nomination should clearly describe the nature and extent of the service activities. Submitted materials can vary, but should best characterize the nominee's contributions to the IU Bloomington community. Supporting evidence, such as evaluative comments by persons who are acquainted with or who have benefited from the service, is helpful.

 Nominations may be made by any full-time faculty member, though departmental or dean nominations are encouraged.

Dossier materials should include: 

Include a current curriculum vitae.

The nomination letter can be submitted by any full-time faculty member or through departmental chairpersons or deans, and should best characterize the nominee's service contributions.

Submitted materials can include supporting evidence, such as evaluative comments by persons who are acquainted with or who have benefited from the service.

If you have any questions regarding the nomination and selection process, please contact our office at 812-855-9973 or email

View the nomination form here 

Past M.A. Venkataramanan “Venkat" Distinguished Service Award Recipients

Kosali Simon, O'Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs

Kirsten Grønbjerg, O’Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs