Religious Accommodation Requests

Accommodations for religious observances

Indiana University respects and protects the rights of all students to observe their religious holidays. Instructors must make reasonable accommodations for students who want to observe their religious observances at times when academic requirements conflict with those observances.

The IUB Religious Observances policy attempts to strike a reasonable balance between accommodating religious observances of students and meeting academic needs and standards. The policy also outlines a procedure that students should follow to request an accommodation.

Religious Accommodation Requests

The "Request for Accommodation for Religious Observances" form must be submitted by the student to the professor no later than two weeks prior to the anticipated absence.  A separate form must be submitted for each absence and for each course.

There are two ways to submit this form.

  1. You may fill out the electronic version of the form here. Copies will automatically be sent via e-mail to your instructor and to the Office of the Vice Provost for Faculty and Academic Affairs.
  2. You may download the form here and share it privately with your instructor.

Guidelines for faculty

When planning courses, departmental programs, and other activities for the academic year, it is important to remember the rich mixture of religious and ethnic groups that comprise our student population.

Please review the Schedule of Classes for additional information about the academic calendar:

Faculty can also refer to the 5-year calendar of religious observances. This list of observances includes religious holy days, civic holidays, and festivals that occur during the academic year, variously observed by certain religious and ethnic communities. Please note that the list is not exhaustive, nor do all these observances require absence from class.

Alternative accessible formats of the PDF documents on this page can be obtained by contacting VPFAA at