Teaching Resources

Resources to support your teaching

At IU Bloomington, we offer extensive resources to help you develop and refine your teaching—whether you need help designing a course syllabus or applying for teaching-related funding.

Start of Semester Guide

The Start of Semester Guide provides important teaching information and policies in one location. 

Read the guide here

Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning

The Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning (CITL) provides comprehensive services to support excellent teaching and learning.

Whether you need consultation on a class or course design, want to learn about innovations in pedagogy, or are looking for funding for a teaching initiative, CITL can help.

Best Practices for Peer Assessment of Teaching

Find Out More About CITL

See more about upcoming events that CITL is offering that may be of interest to you.

Faculty Academy on Excellence in Teaching (FACET)

FACET’s community of scholars crosses campus and disciplinary boundaries to uplift scholarly teaching, and offers support for faculty through grants, fellowships, and peer review for publications. 

FACET also publishes the Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, the Quick Hits book series, which shares techniques and strategies from award-winning college teachers, and the Journal of Teaching and Learning with Technology.

Learn more about FACET

Library Support

IUB Libraries help instructors utilize library materials in the classroom and connect students with librarians and archivists for immersive research experiences.

Library Resources for Instructors

Reserve the Wells Library Faculty Study Rooms

Accommodations for religious observances

IU respects and protects the right of all students to observe their religious holidays. Instructors must make a reasonable accommodation when a student must miss an exam or other work because of a required religious observance.

See more about religious observance policies and the accommodation form.

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