Bloomington Campus Salary Policy For Faculty/Librarians
Allocations of resources which affect faculty/librarian salaries occur at several levels: from the legislature, the central administration, and the Indiana University Foundation to campuses, to schools, to departments, and to the setting of individual salaries. At all levels, allocations of resources to faculty/ librarian salaries should balance two principles: (1) rewarding comparable performance, distinction, and experience with comparable salary and (2) providing the support necessary to achieve the missions of the university. Salary policies should be determined and implemented by the responsible administrator with the participation of appropriate elected faculty/librarian bodies and should be written and available for inspection.
In this policy, "resources" include funds available to Indiana University for faculty/library compensation from any source; "unit" refers to the university system, to a campus, to a school, and to a department; "allocation of resources to faculty/librarian salaries" refers to allocation of resources among units and to the setting of individual salaries. "Base salary" refers to a faculty member's/ librarian's annual yearly salary for teaching/performance, research/creative activity/professional development, and service.
I. Factors affecting allocation of resources to faculty/librarian salaries:
The following factors are relevant to the allocation of resources to faculty/librarian salaries:
A. Merit
(see appendix to this document for Annual Merit Evaluation Policy)
Units will establish a system for evaluating merit in terms of a graded series of levels of achievement. Allocations of merit increments shall take into account the varying missions of the diverse departments, schools, and campuses which constitute the university, and make provision for faculty/librarians with responsibilities in more than one unit. The relative weight attached to the criteria of merit shall vary according to the faculty's/ librarian's contribution to those missions as stipulated in the unit's salary policy statements.
B. Cost of living
Faculty/librarians shall receive an increment related to the increase in the cost of living. The Budgetary Affairs Committee of each campus shall make an annual recommendation regarding an appropriate percentage and/or fixed-dollar amount for this factor. After reviewing that recommendation, each salary-setting unit shall make its own determination, taking into consideration both the primacy of the merit principle in setting salaries and the need to protect individuals as much as possible against salary erosion caused by inflation. In no case shall this cost-of-living factor, together with adjustments for equity and salary minima, absorb more than half of the unit's allocation for salary increments.
C. Fixed-dollar increments
1. The Budgetary Affairs Committee of a campus may recommend minimum fixed-dollar increases to be received by all faculty/ librarians whose performance meets the standards of competence of the faculty's/librarian's unit. This is intended to avoid excessive widening of the gap between low and high salaries due to the use of percentage increments.
2. A unit's consultative committee may recommend that some portion of its salary increment be made in fixed-dollar amounts.
D. Recruitment and retention of faculty/librarians
The need to allocate salary resources to attract and retain qualified faculty/librarians may have differential impact as applied to different academic fields and to individual faculty/librarians within a field. Differential allocations in accordance with this factor, including responses to outside offers, shall be consistent with the unit's long range planning.
E. Remedial equity
Resources may be allocated to remedy inequities which have resulted from the following factors:
F. Salary minima
Resources will be allocated to meet reasonable faculty/librarian salary minima standards established by the Budgetary Affairs Committee of the campus or by other faculty/librarian legislation. 50% of these resources will be provided by the campus and 50% by the unit to which the faculty/librarian belongs. In general, the minima should increase in step with the percentage increases in salary resources distributed by the campus as a whole.
II. Processes for making allocations to faculty/librarian salaries:
A. Request
Requests for the allocation of resources to faculty/librarian salaries shall be supported by information bearing on the factors specified in Part I of this policy.
B. Decision with consultation
All decisions allocating resources to faculty/librarian salaries, both among units and to individual faculty/librarians, shall be made by the unit's responsible administrator with the advice of a consultative committee in accordance with the factors specified in Part I of this policy. Allocation of resources between faculty/librarian salary and other budget items within a unit shall also be made with the advice of a consultative committee. A "consultative committee" is a Budgetary Affairs Committee, an Elected Policy Committee, a Salary Committee, or other faculty/librarian committee, elected by the faculty/librarians of the affected unit or named by an elected faculty/librarian body of the unit, which advises the unit's responsible administrator regarding the allocation of resources. At the beginning of each academic year, the faculty/librarians of each unit shall be notified of the membership and functions of the unit's consultative committee(s). Consultative committees will report to their unit's faculty/librarians annually on how the unit's responsible administrator has acted on the committee's advice.
C. Justification
Allocations of resources to faculty/librarian salaries shall be justified to the consultative committee and to the faculty/librarian directly affected by reference to the factors specified in Part I of this policy. Justifications shall respond to the information provided in support of requests for salary resources made pursuant to Paragraph II.A of this policy.
D. Appeal
Appeals by faculty/librarians of salary allocations are governed by faculty grievance procedures.
III. Applications of policies to different levels of allocation:
The following provisions may be supplemented by legislation by the faculty/librarians of a unit to account for the circumstances of that unit.
A. Allocation of faculty/librarian salary resources to units
B. Setting of individual faculty/librarian salaries
Allocation of salary resources among units at the campus and school level:
A. Units should receive their base salary allocations for the previous year plus a share of at least 80% of the funds available for faculty/librarian salary increments proportionate to those base salary allocations. No more than 20% of the funds available for salary increments shall be allocated differentially among units in accordance with the factors specified in the university's faculty/librarian salary policy.
B. The percent increase in allocation of salary resources of the unit receiving the largest percent increase shall not be made more than twice that received by the unit receiving the smallest percent increase.
Annual Merit Evaluation Policy