Tenure Advisory Committee
A Bloomington Campus Tenure Advisory Committee that will make tenure recommendations to the Vice Provost for Faculty and Academic Affairs should be formed. The Committee shall function in the following cases:
The Committee also may be asked to consider tenure cases by the Vice Provost for Faculty and Academic Affairs under special circumstances when additional advice or input is necessary before a final recommendation is made. The Bloomington Campus Tenure Advisory Committee shall have access to all tenure dossiers in order to evaluate better those about which there is disagreement. The Bloomington Campus Tenure Advisory Committee shall be composed of no more than ten faculty members of which at least four (excluding administrators and departmental chairpersons) shall be from the professional schools and at least four from the College of Arts and Sciences, and shall be appointed by the Vice Provost for Faculty and Academic Affairs for a term of two years. In order to assure continuity, in the first year the appointments are made, half the members of the committee shall be appointed for a term of three (3) years.
All Promotion and Tenure Committees
The membership of all committees concerned with promotion and tenure shall be made a matter of public record at the time of their appointment.
Deans' Tenure and Promotion Advisory Committees
All faculty serving on Deans' promotion and/or tenure advisory committees shall be issued, at the beginning of each academic year they serve, the relevant campus and University statements of criteria on which they are to judge the dossiers they review.
Tenure Advisory Committee section approved by BFC 02/12/74
All Promotion and Tenure Committee section approved by BFC 10/07/75
Dean’s Tenure and Promotion Advisory Committees section approved by BFC 04/20/76