Unit Criteria and Procedures For Tenure and Promotion
1. The chairperson of each department and/or the dean of each school or college, in cooperation with a faculty committee from that department, school or college, shall describe in writing the criteria and procedures used in that department, school or college to implement the guidelines in arriving at regulations concerning tenure and promotion.
A. Every unit (College, school, department) shall generate a formal statement which specifies the mission of the unit and the unit's perception of the relative importance of teaching, research/creative activity, and service in receiving a favorable endorsement for promotion and tenure. Specific provisions for variations in the ranking of importance should be made for individuals who have formal unit approval of a mission that varies from the general unit's mission and the statement of the circumstances under which variations from these perceptions may be expected.
B. The types of material accepted by the unit as evidence of teaching, research/creative activity and service, including a statement concerning the unit's views of the strength of each type of evidence, shall be included in the unit document.
C. The head of each department and/or the dean of each school or College--in cooperation with the faculty committee from that department, school, or College--shall describe in writing the procedures used in that department, school, or College to implement the Indiana University Academic Policies guidelines in arriving at regulations concerning tenure and promotion.
D. These documents must be current and public. Therefore, the unit document must be reviewed by the unit as a whole no less frequently than once every five years. A copy of the document must be provided to each faculty member at the time of his or her appointment and at the time of each five-year unit review of the document. Upon completing each five-year review, one copy shall be forwarded to the Vice Provost for Faculty and Academic Affairs and, in the case of departments, to the school/College dean for review and comment.
2. The appropriate dean or chairperson shall provide a copy of these procedures to all faculty members in the department or school concerned, to the Dean of the College (in the case of departments within the College of Arts and Sciences), to the Vice Provost for Faculty and Academic Affairs, and to the Faculty Affairs Committee of the Faculty Council. Any revisions of the procedures should be made and distributed in the same manner.
Choice of Unit Statements
For matters of tenure, each faculty member shall be allowed to prepare and have evaluated his/her supporting documentation under either the unit statement on tenure in existence in the unit at the time of his/her appointment or the statement in effect at the time the dossier is forwarded for consideration for tenure.
Unit Criteria and Procedures for Promotion/Tenure Advisory Committees
All faculty serving on deans' promotion and/or tenure advisory committees shall be issued, at the beginning of each academic year they serve, the relevant campus and University statements of criteria on which they are to judge the dossiers they review.
Unit Criteria and Procedures at Library Reference Desk
The Vice Provost for Faculty and Academic Affairs shall have responsibility of insuring that the complete file of the descriptions of each department's and school's procedures and criteria used in implementing the campus and University guidelines for promotion and tenure decisions shall be placed at the Reference Desk of the Graduate Library, where all Bloomington faculty shall have access to it. The file shall be bound in such a way that, as departments or schools revise their descriptions, the new descriptions can be inserted to replace the old ones.
Teaching Criteria
Each unit shall develop a plan for the evaluation and improvement of teaching and for assuring that teaching is accorded significant weight in promotion, tenure, and salary determinations.
The unit head shall report the details of the plan and methods for its implementation to the Dean of the Faculties Office and to the appropriate school dean by December 12, 1984. After that time the Dean of Faculties and now the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education, in consultation with the appropriate school dean, regularly shall evaluate the plan and evaluate and assist each unit's progress in implementing its own plan.
Approved: BFC 02/12/74; 03/05/85
Choice of Unit Statements section approved: 11/5/85
Unit Criteria and Procedures for Promotion/Tenure Advisory Committees section approved: 4/20/76
Unit Criteria and Procedures at Library Reference Desk section approved: 4/20/76
Teaching Criteria section approved: 12/6/83