Women in academia often struggle to find the “right” age to be. Younger women and women of color faculty are frequently mistaken for graduate students.1 Older women are often pushed out of leadership positions or pressured to step down, while older men are typically transitioned from one leadership role to another.2 These experiences show that women face ageism at every stage of their careers.
This is a snapshot of gendered ageism—age-based prejudice shaped by gender. AA4E’s recent Gender Discrimination survey (that many of you have filled out – thank you!) reveals that gendered ageism impacts women faculty at all stages of their careers at IUB. While people of all genders may experience age-related discrimination, its impact is often more pronounced for women, women of color, and individuals with minoritized identities. This week, we will explore gendered ageism and discuss how allies can take meaningful action in their workplaces to address and challenge it.